to the AMKA Store
Some items listed are not available at this time, contact
kuntawguro@gmail.com for any orders or questions.
The AMKA accepts Pay Pal and Postal Money Orders only at
this time.
T shirts Sizes s-m-l-xl-2xl-
AMKA Club Jacket- 55.00
AMKA-4 in- 6.00 
FMAC- BAKA-4in- 6.00
Philippine flag-1.5x3in -3.00
AMKA Passbook ( for Testing)- 10.00
( please state what belt rank)
Student Handbook- 10.00
AMKA Book- 15.00 "E" book 10.00
AMKA Book- Softcover 190 pages 20.00
DVD Forms- 45 min - Covering all the forms and
their applications- 20.00
DVD History -45 min -A pictoral History of the art
of Kuntaw as it was passed down, and the actual history in
DVD Theory 45 min - A run down of basic theory from body mechanics to-
fighting applications
DVD Techniques 120 min - Basic to advanced techniques empty
DVD Weapons 120 min - Stick disarms 1-6 thru many
applications as well as staff usage
DVD Fighting 60 min - Actual fighting strategies to
tournament strategy
size 3-6 >62.00
Belt white-Brown> 6.00
Belt Black- 10.00
Practice Knife- Rattan>5.00
Knife Oak Plain>10.00
Knife Oak wrapped>12.00
Rattan Single 28in> 12.00
Rattan stick set. 28in >20.00
Rattan Gayung 40in>15.00
Rattan Sibat 60 in> 20.00
Rattan Toya 70 in> 30.00
Aluminum Trainer Knife> 20.00
Aluminum Trainer Knife Wrapped> 24.00
Bolo Carabo Handle-35.00
Bolo large 40.00
Bolo Aluminum- 20.00
Kerambit small- 12.00
IKF Memebership- Never received
IKF Id card- Never received
IKF Advancement Certificate- Never Received
IKF Patch- Never received
IKF Globe Patch- Never received
GGM Lanada's Book- Never received
AMKA Membership Card- 5.00
AMKA Membership Fee 10.00 yr
AMKA Affiliation Certificate 20.00
AMKA Rank Certificate 20.00
World Sikaran Arnis brotherhood of the Philippines membership card card
World Sikaran
Arnis brotherhood of the Philippines Certificate 15.00
World Sikaran
Arnis brotherhood of the Philippines
Tao Foundation membership 50.00 yr
Kapatiran Suntukan Membership 50.00 yr
American Karate Association Membership 50.00 yr
Yodansha Kobujitsu Membership 100.00 yr
4 hour Seminar - 250.00 plus expenses
8 Hour seminar - 400.00 plus expenses
2 day seminar- - 600.00 plus expenses
( note- prices subject to negotiation)
American Maharlika Kuntaw Association 1974 
webpage design by "Whimsy"